Dark Fiber

Your Own Fiber,
Right Where You Need It

  • Total Control

    You have total control over your own private fiber, with your optronics on the endpoints to connect to the next point.

  • Massively Scalable

    Dark fiber is virtually limitless in its bandwidth and the services that it can support.

  • Custom Topology

    Whether you need a single pair of fibers, or a more complex multi-site dark fiber network, Lightpath can customize a solution to fit your needs.

Lightpath Dark Fiber

When you need dark fiber for your network goals, a Lightpath engineering team can provide options of routes, strands, and end point locations from which you can choose. 

Add your own optronics at the end points to create a point-to-point circuit, or as part of a larger, more complex topology.  

Dark fiber offers nearly limitless bandwidth and the ability to support massive amounts of services, all with predictable performance.  

Get a Quote

The Lightpath Network

Lightpath offers over 20,000 route miles of fiber serving over 15,000 service locations throughout our footprint.  

Work with a Lightpath engineering team to determine the best options for where you need dark fiber.  

Dark Fiber Product Sheet

RapidPath Dark Fiber

RapidPath offers ultra-fast turn-up (as fast as 5 days) on inter-data center dark fiber between select locations in New York Metro, Greater Boston, and Greater Miami. 

RapidPath Dark Fiber

Connect with Lightpath

Talk with a Lightpath Dark Fiber Expert today.

Call 1-877-544-4872 or complete the form.

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