FTTx Connect

Custom Connectivity to Your Own X

  • Wireless Industry

    Fiber to the Tower and Small Cells. Lightpath has the density and reach for wireless solutions.

  • Edge Compute & IoT

    Fiber to the edge for cloud/wireless compute, and for IoT applications requiring large backhaul.

  • Custom Solutions

    Lightpath can build custom FTTx solutions for other applications, right where you need fiber.

Wireless Industry Connectivity

Lightpath FTTx offers robust options for wireless backhaul from macro towers, small cells, as well as network augmentation to support backhaul efforts. 

The breadth and density of Lightpath's footprint in our markets is ideally suited for small cell backhaul, as 5G networks continue to proliferate their deployment.  

Our team has vast experience in working with wireless carriers and delivering solutions. Contact us today to learn more about Lightpath FTTx for Wireless. 

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Edge Computing & IoT

Advanced communications require advanced connectivity.  Lightpath's expansive and dense network is also well suited for edge computing and the Internet-of-Things. 

As edge computing continues to gain momentum, more and more powerful connectivity will be required in order to provide throughput to the edge. 

Micro-data centers and other distributed compute facilities can take advantage of the density of Lightpath's fiber for easy connectivity.  

FTTx Product Sheet

Custom Solutions

Beyond wireless and edge applications, Lightpath can always build customized FTTx solutions for whatever your X might be.  

From buildings, to bridges. From airports, to private communications networks. Lightpath has the network, the know-how, and the experience to build the perfect customized solution to meet your needs. 

Simply, contact us to learn more.

Connect with Lightpath

Talk with a Lightpath FTTx Expert today.

Call 1-877-544-4872 or complete the form.
