Your E-Rate Consultants

Schools and libraries stay connected to information and resources with high performance Lightpath USAC approved E-Rate eligible solutions. We evaluate your needs, offer cost-effective solutions, and even provide application assistance to help maximize funding. 


Invoicing & Discount Reimbursement

Lightpath supports the two approved methods of invoicing under the E-Rate Program.

  • Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement (BEAR). Applicants file FCC Form 472, pay Service Provider in full, and invoice USAC for the discount portion of the bill. If approved, applicant is paid directly to their bank account.
  • Service Provider Invoicing (SPI). Customer is billed for non-discounted eligible equipment and services. Service provider files Form 474 and is reimbursed by USAC for the discounted amount. 


Connect with Lightpath

Talk with a Lightpath E-Rate Expert today.

Call 1-877-544-4872 or complete the form.


Lightpath is an approved MiCTA vendor.
